Verde Pointe Dental Associates

Does the Dental Crown Procedure Cause Pain?

Feb 25, 2019 @ 12:50 PM — by Julie K
Tagged with: Dental Crowns

Severely damaged or decayed teeth often require restorative treatment with a dental crown. The crown is a tooth-shaped cap that sits above the gum line and protects the remaining natural tooth structure. Dental crowns strengthen and improve the appearance of the treated tooth.

The doctors at Verde Pointe Dental Associates in Marietta, GA have safely performed dental crown procedures for many years. One question patients commonly ask is if the procedure causes pain. Here, we discuss how we reduce pain during and after dental crown treatment.

Does Dental Crown Treatment Cause Discomfort?

To understand what happens during the dental crown procedure, you need a brief overview of the procedure.

Before your crown can be manufactured, one of our dentists will remove a portion of the outside of the tooth to make room for the crown. Once this is complete, impressions will be taken of the tooth and adjacent teeth. About two weeks later, your custom cap will be cemented to the tooth.

There are multiple points during the procedure, placement, and recovery when some pressure or discomfort may be felt. During your first treatment appointment, when some tooth structure is removed from the perimeter of the tooth, we will administer local anesthesia so you don’t feel any pain.

By numbing the nerves that connect the tooth to your central nervous system, the anesthesia effectively “deactivates” the channels that would normally cause pain. By using a topical numbing agent and a local anesthetic that is injected deep within the gums, patients don’t experience pain. While the tooth is being shaved, vibrations and pressure will be felt.

Reducing Discomfort after Treatment

In the hours and days after this first treatment appointment is complete, patients may feel some soreness around the tooth. A temporary cap will be placed over your tooth to protect it, but patients often experience heightened sensitivity during this period.

Over-the-counter pain medications can help. It is also advised to avoid hot or cold foods and drinks, as well as hard or sticky foods.

Once your custom crown is placed, many of these symptoms and sensitivities should subside.

One way to ensure that your dental crown experience has minimal discomfort is to work with a respected team of dental professionals, like the doctors at Verde Pointe Dental Associates. Our highly trained doctors stay up to date with the latest techniques in dental crown placement. We follow all HIPPA, OSHA, and CDC guidelines to provide the best quality service. Our office has treated thousands of patients since 1982.  

Contact Verde Pointe Dental Associates Today

Dental anesthesia has come a long way over the past few decades. From your initial consultation through your dental crown procedure and final placement, our doctors have your comfort in mind. If you still have concerns over pain, our dentists will further explain what to expect during each step of the procedure.

Most patients experience little to no pain with this procedure, and the benefits of dental crowns far outweigh any temporary discomfort. To learn more about our restorative procedures, contact our office online or call (770) 423-4900.